Chinook Winds Adventist Academy (CWAA) began serving Calgary families with Christian education in 1945 from the basement of a Seventh-day Adventist church. Over the years CWAA moved to various locations throughout the city until it acquired its permanent site in 1974 – a beautiful 20-acre parcel of wooded land on the side of a mountain. In 1985 the school was destroyed by fire and it re-opened its doors in the fall of 1986.
CWAA has grown steadily from its inception as an elementary school to a complete K-12 day school today. The school is recognized by the Government of Alberta as a Category 1 Private School and by the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges and Universities. CWAA is governed by an Operating Board made up of representatives from various Seventh-day Adventist constituent churches of Calgary. It is supervised by the Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Office of Education. CWAA is part of the Seventh-day Adventist educational system, which operates 7,200 schools worldwide with a total enrolment of over 1.5 million students.
CWAA offers a spacious, well-equipped facility includes bright classrooms, an excellent gymnasium, portable laptop and mobile device carts, music room, science lab, kitchen, work-out space, soccer fields, and elementary playground.