Coaldale Christian School is an accredited independent Christian school supported primarily by members of the Canadian Reformed Church. Coaldale Christian School follows the Alberta Program of Studies modified to fit the philosophy and purpose of the school and the needs of the students. The object of the Society is to maintain a day school where children, of parents who so desire, are taught in accordance with the Word of God as confessed in the Reformed Creeds: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt.


Special Education
Gr. 1
Gr. 2
Gr. 3
Gr. 4
Gr. 5
Gr. 6
Gr. 7
Gr. 8
Gr. 9
Gr. 10
Gr. 11
Gr. 12


Special Education
Faith Based Programming
Special Training & Other
Transportation (bussing)